Monday, November 08, 2004

One Hand Washes the Other

A career politician finally smelling the White House is not much different from a bull elk in the rut. He will stop at nothing, trashing anything that gets in his way; and anything he can't handle personally he will hire out—or, failing that, make a deal.
Hunter S. Thompson (1939 - ), U.S. writer and journalist

To the victors go the spoils. However, the victors in political elections pay for their spoils with millions of dollars in donations. Now industry and religious groups are lining up to collect their goods from President Bush:

  • Drug companies -- limit exportation of medical drugs from Canada
  • Investment firms – social security reform and health savings accounts
  • Bankers -- legislative and executive action that allows them to move into real estate, and make it harder for over burden and out of work to file for bankruptcy
  • Coal and Utility companies – an energy bill and a market-based plan to control mercury and other pollutants
  • Oil and gas companies – will continue unabated to rake in millions from gouging consumers, and they will most likely get oil wells in the wilderness of Alaska, Colorado and New Mexico
  • Trade Associations – the ability to offer group health insurance, which will make them the new HMOs
  • Manufacturers – tax reform and tort reform
  • Evangelists – a marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • U.S. Citizens – a mountain of national debt, no health insurance, and their jobs outsourced

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