Monday, December 13, 2004

The Bush/Monkey Phenomenon

Have we all seen the comparisons between George W. Bush and monkeys? You know, the pictures that make him look monkey-like? The side-by-side comparison photos? The public events featuring Bush/Monkey costumes?

The latest Bush/Monkey news item is out of New York, where a portrait of the President, made of monkeys, has led to the closure of a New York art exhibition. From afar the painting offers a likeness of Bush, but when you get closer you see the image is made up of chimpanzees or monkeys swimming in a marsh.

Click the pic to see it bigger.

"Bush Monkeys," a small acrylic on canvas by Chris Savido, created the stir at the Chelsea Market public space, leading the market's managers to close down the 60-piece show that was scheduled to stay up for the next month.

Frankly, the sacrifice of freedom of expression and political satire on the altar of patriotism seems to me to be a violation of everything which we hold dear. The country was founded on principles that allow - no, demand - the public to be actively engaged in the monitoring of its government and its elected officials; stifling our right to free speech by closing down art exhibits will temporarily silence us, yes; it is up to us to determine how long we stand for such dastardly behavior.

At least you can still buy this; it may not have monkeys, but if you're of the Hebrew persuasion (and you voted for the other guy) you'll dig it.

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