Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Corruption is Democracy’s Cancer

Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794), British historian

Four years ago it was Florida. Today, Ohio, Washington, New Mexico and San Diego -- it is spreading. The states and the city have all been infected with voting issues or counting challenges this year. The latest sign that this cancer is spreading is that San Diego's write-in candidate, Councilwoman Donna Frye, would have beaten incumbent Mayor Dick Murphy if all votes had been counted.

The Los Angeles Times and four other news organizations and two pro-Frye voter looked at ballots that had not been counted in the official tally because the oval was not filled in. Frye would have won – what a shocker! This has to stop or change because an already lethargic electoral will only fall more anemic. This cancer will manifest itself in the form of leaders (in name only) surrounded by yes-men, involved in deal making with cronies who grease the wheel for each other.

What will happen four years hence? Send for the doctors stat!

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