Monday, February 21, 2005

Why My In-Laws Should Not Be Allowed Near A Pharmacy

Time for another installment of "Blogging About the In-Laws." Brought to you by the pharmaceutical companies of America, who remind you to check with your doctor before starting any new prescription; certain combinations of medications are contraindicated and may cause unintended side effects.

Yes, this is my in-laws' medicine cabinet. And, to be fair, it isn't all prescription medication -- some of the bottles contain herbal supplements, which are really just as effective as prescription medicine, but the government doesn't want you to know about them (so my mother-in-law tells me). Again, for those of you who missed the last installments -- there are only two people living in this house, taking all of this medication. And here's the really amusing part: the photo above is not the entirety of their collection. They have pills throughout the house:

I dread to think what will happen if my mother-in-law goes through with her plan for procuring cheaper meds -- going down to Mexico, where you can get all of this great stuff over-the-counter, at discount prices! Hypochondriacs rejoice!


Andrew said...

Woah. They have enough to start their own pharmacy.

Anonymous said...

If my parents ever find your blog you are no longer going to be the favorite son-in-law.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought only my in-laws had such an extensive supply. They're heavy into the herbal remedies too.